The events of SL-9 came to a head with the murder of Bruce Goodman.

Murder of Bruce Goodman Main article: Rise from the Ashes Meanwhile, nearly all of the other detectives involved in the incident were fired or demoted, save Bruce Goodman. Lana withdrew into herself, becoming cold so as to help deal with all the things Gant would have her do over the next two years. He arranged to have Lana transferred to the prosecutor's office and promoted to the position of Chief Prosecutor, so that he could have unhindered power over all investigations.

However, Gant began to manipulate Lana by threatening to expose all the evidence that seemed to point towards Ema being the real killer. With the crime scene altered, as well as with the help of what little Ema could remember from the incident, Darke was convicted of Neil's murder (on top of the existing charges) by a different prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth, and he was subsequently executed. Ema woke up in Lana's arms, and the police eventually arrived to conduct the ensuing murder investigation. They moved the body - though not before taking a photo as she had found it - and planted part of Darke's knife in the corpse. Gant, who had also arrived at the scene, agreed to help her rearrange the crime scene to shift the blame away from Ema and onto Darke. The evidence before her seemed to indicate that Ema had killed Neil, which made her panic for the first time in her life. When Lana arrived at the crime scene, she found Ema and Darke unconscious on the floor, and Neil impaled on the sword of a decorative suit of armor. However, Darke escaped during an interrogation and made his way to that same office, with Neil in hot pursuit. Lana made dinner plans with her sister Ema, who waited in Lana's office for her. It was a clear-cut case Darke even turned himself in. Jake's brother Neil Marshall was to prosecute. Lana became involved in the investigation of the spree killings of Joe Darke, working alongside Bruce Goodman, Jake Marshall, Angel Starr and Damon Gant. Involvement in the SL-9 Incident Main article: SL-9 Incident The pair was famous for some time, becoming known as the "Legendary Duo." Lana was admired by her fellow detectives and a number of them looked up to her, including Angel Starr. She ended up working alongside, and sharing an office with, Damon Gant. Lana eventually joined the Criminal Affairs Department as a detective and moved up in the ranks. The first book that Lana ever bought was called Scientific Investigation. When Mia Fey audited one of Lana's classes, the two became friends, having so many similarities with each other. Despite all this, she managed to make it to law school, even being at the top of her class by her third year. Lana Skye's parents died in a car accident, which left her caring for her younger sister Ema.