The retinal arteriovenous transit time is usually prolonged in eyes with the ocular ischemic syndrome in fact, this prolongation of time is the most common fluorescein angiographic feature in eyes with the ocular ischemic syndrome. This is a side effect of the dye and will go away quickly after the procedure. Fluorescein angiography is a diagnostic photographic procedure that uses a contrast dye to give a detailed view of the retinal circulatory system the back.
In the Retina Vascular Unit at Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, the upper-normal limit for retinal arteriovenous transit time (time from the first appearance of dye in the temporal retinal arteries of the arcades to the time when the corresponding veins are completely filled) is considered to be 10 to 11 seconds. Clinical records and peripheral fluorescein angiography images of the ora serrata region, taken using scleral indentation and the RetCam system during examination under anesthesia, were retrospectively reviewed from 33 eyes of 31 consecutive patients with presumed normal peripheral retinal vasculature. You can have a burning sensation on the skin near the IV needle site. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCT-A) is a non-invasive imaging modality that allows a detailed and three-dimensional study of retinal and. 1) within a retinal artery is almost always abnormal after an intravenous injection and indicates diminished flow. Although the retinal arteries usually start to fill within 15 seconds after an antecubital intravenous injection of sodium fluorescein dye, this time range varies according to several factors, including the site of injection, the rate of injection, and body circulation. Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA) is a diagnostic photographic procedure of the back of your eye that is performed to give your retinal specialist more.

Filling of the retinal arteries is often also delayed in eyes with the ocular ischemic syndrome, and this manifests as a delayed arm-to-retina circulation time.